Fundamental Indicators
In this lesson, we will cover the most important fundamental indicators.
Fundamental indicators
Compared to technical analysts, fundamental traders look at various economic indicators and
reports to better understand future market directions. Even though most retail traders focus on
technical analysis, understanding the fundamentals is always helpful. Especially for swing
traders, if we look at the bigger picture and in the longer time horizon, markets are most often
moving based on fundamental drivers. There are dozens of different fundamental indicators for
different countries and we certainly do not have to know all of them. Here are the most
important ones that tend to have an impact on the markets.
Employment reports
Employment reports include employment change, unemployment rates, number of jobless individuals
applying for government support, level of payrolls and other job-related data. The most famous
employment report is the US NFP which is normally released on the first Friday of every new
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Changes in the GDP can have a large impact on foreign currency. An increase in GDP tells us that
the economy is strengthening, and currency could rise. A decrease in GDP indicates a weakening
economy, therefore the possibility of failing prices in the currency.
Trade balance
Trade balance represents the difference between the imports and exports of the subject economy
and affects the demand for that country’s currency. There are two possible outcomes – a deficit,
which means the country is importing more than exporting and a surplus which is the opposite.
Consumer price index (CPI)
The consumer price index tells us prices of products on a consumer level and it is also a key
indicator of inflation. Changes in CPI can directly influence monetary policy as it is mandatory
for most major central banks to control inflation. An increase in inflation usually indicates an
interest rate rise, while lower CPI readings indicate lower interest rates.
The purchasing managers index (PMI)
The purchasing managers index shows the activity of purchasing managers and can act as a leading
economic indicator. PMI indicates strength or weakness in the manufacturing sector.
Interest rate decisions
Interest rates are part of the central bank’s monetary policy. The leading indicators include
activities and speeches by bank officials that are regularly watched by traders. Interest rate
changes by central banks are very important in the valuation of currencies. If banks set
high-interest rates, their currency usually attracts foreign assets from countries with lower
interest rates.
Central bank statements
Most central banks issue statements to describe their monetary policy and why they did or did
not make any changes. These statements affect the markets, especially if the changes are
unexpected. We use the terms hawkish and dovish in the central bank’s decisions. Central banks
are hawkish when they want to tighten monetary policy by increasing interest rates or reducing
balance sheets. Being hawkish means strong economic growth. Dovish is the opposite when banks
reduce interest rates or increase quantitative easing to stimulate the economy. Being dovish
means weak economic growth.
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